Bergamo, 16 July 2019 – Fondazione ARTET was introduced to the city this morning, to describe and explain its research on thrombosis, hemostasis and tumors.
Founded in 2018 on the heels of A.R.T.E.T, the Association for Research on Thrombosis and Tumors, Fondazione ARTET is a no-profit foundation with the aim of boosting our understanding of the links between venous thromboembolism and tumors. Research will involve scientists from several disciplines, such as hemostasis, thrombosis, oncology, immunology, biology, pharmacology and biochemistry.
Roberta Sestini, one of the founders of ARTET, together with Vice-President Giovanna Terzi Bosatelli, explained that the Foundation’s research on thrombosis, hemostasis and tumors aims to provide society with scientific knowledge of this subject and to promote projects for care and assistance for frail patients needing anticoagulant/antithrombotic treatments and/or transfusions. Giovanna Terzi Bosatelli added that the aim of clinical research is not only to further knowledge of the disease, and establish strategies for its diagnosis, care and prevention but also to improve the patient’s quality of life and prolong survival.
The Foundation’s Technico-scientifico committee is headed by Anna Falanga, Professor of Hematology at Milano Bicocca University, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Head of the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Unit at the
Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, and Head of the Inter-agency Department of Transfusion Medicine and Hematology of the Province of Bergamo (DMTE). Dr. Falanga pointed out that the ARTET Foundation is committed to breaking the vicious cycle linking cancer and thrombosis, by gaining an understanding of what is really involved, so as to develop strategies for prevention and effective antithrombotic therapies, interrupting the mechanism promoting tumor growth and spread.
The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors and a Technico-scientific Committee, comprising physicians and other professionals in a ‘collaboration of excellence’ in all its work, from research to dissemination of the results.
Fondazione ARTET is currently running two important onco-hematology studies,lo studio HYPERCAN and MATTER, started respectively in January and June 2018.