What is the link between thrombosis and tumors?

The link between tumors and blood clots was described in 1865 by the French physician Armand Trousseau, but he could not provide a scientific explanation. In more recent times, the relationship has become clearer and we now know that the link works in two ways: on one hand,...

When can an oncological patient suffer from thrombosis?

Recent studies have shown that cancer patients have 4–6-times the risk of thrombosis compared to the general population, and an episode of thrombosis in these patients has a negative impact on their survival. The risk is highest in the first few months after a cancer...

What tumors involve the highest risk of thrombosis?

The incidence of thrombosis in cancer patients varies with the type and stage of the tumor. It is highest in patients with tumors of the pancreas, stomach, brain, kidneys, uterus, lungs and ovaries, especially if the disease is advanced. Breast cancer has a lower risk of...

Why do tumors involve a greater predisposition to blood clotting ?

The pathogenesis of thrombosis in cancer is complex and multifaceted. There are general factors, factors linked to the body’s inflammatory response to the tumor and certain specific properties of the cancer cells, which release substances that inappropriately activate blood...

What does thrombosis imply in a patient with cancer?

Venous thrombosis has far-reaching effects on a patient’s quality of life and prognosis. Thrombosis is, in fact, the second cause of death – after the tumor itself – among these patients, with often dramatic consequences on the quality of their lives and their life...

Can thrombosis in cancer patients be prevented?

Preventing venous thrombosis in patients with cancer is fundamental for several reasons: once the thrombosis has happened it is hard to manage the anticoagulant therapy because of the substantial risk of hemorrhage, and anticoagulants are not very effective and raise the risk of...