I Ricercatori

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Thirty-three years old, with a degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, he has been collaborating for years with the Research Center of the Department of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine. ARTET Foundation has decided to support his work with a fellowship for the second year.

“Doing research gives me the opportunity to carry on my studies, to use my knowledge into practice and expanding it more and more. I consider myself lucky because I do research in an important structure that allows me to combine my passion for biology and the daily fight against many pathologies, trying to give a better quality of life to many patients.”



Twenty-six years old, with a degree in Medical Biotechnology, she has been working for a year in the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Department of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo. In her free time she is a speaker at many conferences on the psychophysical effects of substances of abuse and she volunteers as emergency and urgent rescuer on ambulances.

“I do believe in research and I wish, in particular for us young researchers, to always have the courage to pursue our dreams, despite the difficulties, because it is not in the stars that our destiny is preserved, but in ourselves.”



Graduated in Biology at the University of Milan Bicocca, for more than 10 years she has been working as a research biologist at the laboratory of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Pope John XXIII in Bergamo.
Consistency, tenacity and curiosity characterize her.

“I’ve always wanted to do research. It is difficult work field, indeed, you have to be stubbornness and devoted in order to being able to reach your goal, but when you do … is a satisfaction that is priceless!”


She has been working for ten years as a research biologist at the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine laboratory of the ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo.

In the free time he serves as a Certified Rescuer at the Public Administration. Her keywords are: openmind, everydaychallenge, continueupdating.

“The scientific research is a continuous challenge to learn. An interesting, fascinating study to help create a piece of that puzzle which is knowledge. Like every area of ​​life, the contribution of each one is precious and indispensable to reach the goal.”


Graduated in Biology applied to biomedical research, she starded working at the research laboratory directed by Dr. #AnnaFalanga while she was still a student.
For 10 years she has been involved in several projects, always guieded by her great passion for science, which recently convinved her to continue her studies in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry.

“I have always been fascinated by scientific research since I was a child. When I was lucky enough to attend a conference by Rita Levi Montalcini in high school, I had no doubts. The passion of this great, strong and independent woman were my source of inspiration. Therefore, I make her words as my own:

In life we ​​must never surrender to mediocrity, but rather get out of the gray area in which everything is habit and passive resignation, we must cultivate the courage to rebel.